HIV-infected people are older than ordinary people

HIV-infected people are older than ordinary people

September 09, 2016 Source: Noble

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AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy can make patients survive longer, but recent studies have shown that HIV can alter the human immune system and increase the risk of age-related illness.

"What we know now is that AIDS is actually an inflammation. We can control the virus, but patients still have immune system disorders and abnormalities, which are related to aging diseases such as cardiovascular disease, bone disease, cancer and diabetes. Alan Landay, head of the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at the Rush University Medical Center, said.

In 2015, 36.7 million people worldwide were infected with HIV and 1.1 million died of AIDS. According to reports, in 2014, 1.5 million people in 129 low- and middle-income countries received HIV testing. Seventy-seven million people worldwide are receiving antiretroviral drugs.

In order to improve HIV care in developing countries, Landay called for simple and convenient treatment for HIV patients. For example, taking aspirin reduces systemic inflammatory response and taking statins to reduce inflammation and related diseases.

"However, statins have side effects that cannot be ignored, so it is our concern to improve the health of patients through diet," Laney added.

“We are looking for simple interventions to influence the patient's immune system, so probiotics may be our way to improve the intestinal flora. We have found that through these efforts, the patient's inflammatory response and age-related disease rates have decreased,” Landay said.

Finding ways to cure AIDS is not possible in the short term. In the past five years, scientists have done a lot of work in this area, hoping to find a way to completely remove HIV from patients.

"Treatment can reduce the level of the virus to a very low level, but once the treatment is stopped, the virus grows explosively."

If HIV is infected very early, such as during childhood, such patients have the opportunity to reduce HIV to undetectable levels.

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